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Meet Our Team of Friendly Experts

Our multi-skilled, friendly team can assist with go-to-market strategies, training, and user identification support, making it a one-stop shop for all your App development needs.
Justin Cooke
Justin Cooke
Investor and Board of Directors
David Hawkins
Dave Hawkins
Chief Executive Officer
Peter Wouters
Peter Wouters
Business Development
Europe, USA and ROW
Kate Heald
Kate Heald
Head of Business Development
Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia
Jasper Westra
Jasper Westra
Head of Back End Design
Jeroen van Asselt
Jeroen van Asselt
Head of Front End Design

Our team of experts are ready to build your app ideas and help you develop your market strategy.

Tel: +971 556 111 296

Our offices are located in Bangkok, Dubai, London and Amsterdam